Realty Watch is a community crime prevention program operating across the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada, from Whistler to Hope and every community in between. Over 14,000 REALTORS® assist police as extra "eyes" in their communities using the Touchbase® platform.
REALTORS® are able to observe and report to police any suspicious activity they may happen upon in their day-to-day business.
In emergency situations, REALTORS® respond to a police/RCMP-activated fan-out via Touchbase® to search for missing or abducted children, or vulnerable adults. Within minutes of receiving a fan-out request from police, Realty Watch sends a message to REALTORS’® phones, pagers, emails, and Touchbase® apps, asking them to keep a lookout for the missing person.
Our platform can be used for your important mass communications. Interested, but not sure where to start? Contact our support team.