Co-listing agents

Co-listing agents

Note: by default, if your listing is uploaded with co-listing agents, you do not need to form a team with them to share the messages pertaining that listing.

When more than one agent co-lists a property

If you co-list a property with one or more agents, Touchbase's Listing Dispatch can accommodate you.

If you’re listing a property with another agent, that information is sent to us by your real estate board’s feed.

Setting up Listing Dispatch

In your Touchbase Settings, click on Listing dispatch.

To set your co-listing agents up to receive messages, you'll need to modify the grid:

The icons along the top represent the different kinds of messages you can send in Touchbase.

Click on Co-listing agent (2). This will take you to another page where you can activate each message category at the top.

If you would like to include all the co-listers you will need to repeat the same steps for co-listing agent (3), and (4).

Simply click on Always for each category of message then hit Save at the bottom.

PLEASE NOTE: If you set this up in your Touchbase settings, these settings will apply to all of your listings.

To modify the dispatch settings for an individual listing rather than the default for all listings, use the Listings tab on the left-hand menu. Select the correct listing and follow the same steps as above. Make sure to click Save.

For more information on setting up the listing dispatch, you can watch this tutorial video.